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Whether buyer or seller, it's all about a Smooth, Seamless & Stress-free Process
Client Care
From the first introductory Email to the last, I stay in constant contact with your clients. However, it's not just Emails, but Phone Calls, Text Messages or Video Calls, are all the ways I use to keep in touch with your clients. They also have 24/7 Access to their file via my secured portal.
Who likes doing paperwork? Funnily enough, I do! I will Prepare all Paperwork Associated with your Listings, Contracts and Leases. Send electronically for Signatures. As we progress through a Transaction, I of course will Prepare any Additional Forms, Addendums, etc Required by you State & Brokerage.
Coordination is paramount to keeping everyone on track. I help coordinate any/all Inspections, as well as Staying in Contact with all parties (Title, Lender, Attorney, Co-Op Agent, etc.) as well of course you & your clients.
Much like a Swan gliding on the Water, I look Cool-Calm above water, but below, I am Working to ensure Milestones, Contingencies and their Deadlines are Monitored, Adhered to, with Reminders sent out to ensure Protection of your clients & yourself.
It's all about Protection. That's why there is Compliance Check by your Brokerage. My Job is to Safeguard you by Checking all Paperwork for Accuracy, Collect Missing Signatures and Forms, Submit to Brokerage till we reach 100%.
Data Storage
Throughout the course of the Transaction, both You & Your Clients have access to all files via my Portal. Once your Transaction is Complete, All Related Files are Uploaded to my Secured Drive where you can Access at Any Time in the Future. That way, you Know Where to Find every Document related to each Transaction.

Finding the Balance
Whether you're a brand new or seasoned real estate professional or entrepreneur at some point you will realize you can't do it all. Take it from me, I've been there. I've had a successful real estate career (25+ years) & started a successful internet hosting & design company (1994-2004) and I thought I could do it all, but I soon realized that I couldn't. In the beginning, I ran myself ragged. You see, I'm a perfectionist & didn't think anyone could do it as good or as fast as I did. I knew that if I didn't start to let go of those tasks that weren't my money-making tasks and delegate them to those I trusted, my business would never grow.
We all know there are ONLY 24 hours in a day and when there's only you doing it all, then sooner or later something will start suffering.
Time for a Change! My goal as your chosen virtual assistant is to help alleviate the daily burden. Relieve you of those important, yet mundane tasks. To help you reach your business goals while also helping you strike that healthy work-life balance.
What I Can Do For You!